Sunday 27 June 2010

So hot.

The weather forcasters were right. It is scorching today.
Yesterday afternoon I made Hope a little sun dress to match her big sister's skirt.
Henry would like me to make something for him next!

I followed another you-tube tutorial (isn't the internet fantastic?). This time it was for making a dress from a pillowcase. Except I didn't use a pillowcase, but the principal is the same. Here is Hope taking a few steps all by herself. The dress is already very dirty from crawling about in the garden!

And here is a better picture of Honor's outfit.

Here is my new, blue potting shed on the veg patch. I've got a great crop of... erm, nasturtiums! The flowers are actually quite tasty in a salad.

The pool is up now. The in-laws came round this morning having just returned from a holiday in Spain. They had lots of gifts for the children including these snorkelling sets. Great fun!

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