Monday 20 December 2010

Holiday fun - indoors and out.

We are all on our holidays now. The snow is back and much more is forecast. Hubby and Henry went out to play in the bright sunshine. Henry enjoyed it much more this time. It all looks very pretty. Hope has a bad cough so we stayed indoors. Honor preferred to stay in and practise converting fractions into mixed numbers and did a reading comprehension which was a true story about a horse called Molly. Molly was badly attacked by a dog and her leg got infected. The vet was going to put her to sleep but instead the leg was amputated and a prosthetic one put in place. The false leg had a shoe with a smiley face fitted onto it so that the horse left a smiley face imprint when she walked. The horse (and owner) then visited schools and hospitals where children and patients had prosthetic limbs, giving them inspiration. Honor enjoyed that piece of work.
Later, we all went to Tescos. It was manic. I think the whole town must have been in there with their overfilled trolleys. We don't have anything for our Christmas dinner yet. I've been saying that I'm not bothered if we just have fish and chips... now if we do get snowed in, that just might happen!

When we got back from shopping, we got out a board game called Pop to the Shops. It helps kids practise money and counting skills. We don't play games often enough and it showed to start with. Lots of squabbling and fidgeting... but I think we had fun in the end.
The winner!

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