Friday 21 October 2011

Playdough and hand therapy

Some of Henry's hand therapy exercises involve playdough.
I made some myself using the following method:
I mixed 3 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of salt and 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar in a bowl.
Meanwhile, I boiled 2 cups of water with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and then added the liquid slowly to the dry ingredients.
I divided the dough up and coloured the portions using Morrisons natural food colourings. The colourings were quite wishy washy and it took quite a lot to get a decent amount of colour into the dough. But I quite like the earthy tones that were finally produced.

And all three kids, from age 2 - 10 years couldn't wait to get playing with it...

Honor and Henry got bored after about fifteen minutes, but little Hope needed coaxing away from it when it eventually became time for dinner and was not at all happy when I cleared it all away!


  1. do you have powdered Kool aid over there? If you do add it instead of colouring and it smells lovely!

  2. but if you are looking for natural it is not the way to go!!!
