Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Hope's progress

Hope is now eighteen months old and learning fast. She is feeding herself well (if you don't mind the mess), linking words to make sentences and is running around. It is challenging finding ways to keep children this young entertained.
Today we got out the tin of stockmar beeswax crayons (very nice, waldorf style crayons) and she enjoyed having a bit of a doodle.

She loves books, too and had me read these ones to her over and over again!
After that I took her to a nearby garden centre, Bybrook Barn at Ashford, where they had lots of entertaining things to see. A pet centre that sells chickens, a duck pond and the Christmas displays were fabulous. Full sized dioramas depicting scenes from traditional fairy stories such as Hansel and Gretal, Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood with moving figures. Lovely.


  1. Hope is begining to look very much like HM! She is really growing up!

  2. Hello. It is good to hear from you. I've had a few technical difficulties lately, including a virus on this thing which wiped out all my previous links, so haven't been able to view your blog. Hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. yes than you, we are all well here and I have got back into spending a little more time on the computer. In the SUmmer I am hardly on it but now the evenings are long I have got back to blogging and knitting! I bought some really lovely yarn and then found 'ravelry' and amazing knitting forum. You can find patterns for any yarn, just key in the yarn and hey presto!! Not sure if you knit or not?
